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|| IG Captions ||

First off, I want to say thank you all SO much for your support on my last post about social media tips! It means so much to me!!

Today’s tip, we’ll start making these Tuesday Tips, is all about captions. I’d like to just add, again lol, that I’m still learning, but these tips have helped make a difference in my engagement.

  • Your caption everything for your posts. Your caption doesn’t even have to align with your photo! You can literally post a selfie and in your caption talk about where your favorite places to travel to are. I know this used to hold me back so much. I always had photos to post, but never knew what my caption should be about.

  • Your first sentence is your attention grabber. This where you have to hook whoever is scrolling along on IG to want to stop and actually see what you have to say!

  • Show the REAL YOU! Don’t try to be like someone else. Your followers follow you, because they like YOU. They like what you bring to the table that someone else doesn’t. If you ever need inspo for captions, I like to ‘save’ others captions and use those as a starting point.

  • Have a call to action or CTA in your captions. This is sooo important!! This leaves it open to your readers to engage back with you on your posts! Now, not everyone is going to do this, but it leaves the option. Engagement is engagement and we all know it makes the world of a difference in our insights. A few examples of a CTA are:

    • “SAVE THIS POST FOR ____”




A little extra tip for y’all, plan out your content and captions. I personally use the Preview App and absolutely LOVE it. It’ll give me hashtags to insert into my captions, it can help generate captions, schedule content and so much more.

Here is a picture of what mine looks like at the moment. It’s also super helpful to see what your feed will look like with a certain picture before it’s ever posted so you can keep the ~aesthetic~ of your feed!

Need a graphic to save for a quick reference? Here Ya go :)

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